Executive Coaching

Discover your authentic leadership style and silence the doubts.

Achieve clarity, set strategic goals, and forge a path to success with a dedicated, Certified Executive Coach

Are you:

  • A mid-level executive feeling stuck between wanting to succeed and feeling like a fraud?

  • Often worried that you don’t truly deserve your role or successes?

  • Seeking to manage your fears of failure and build a leadership style that feels true to who you are?

I Can Help You To:

  • Own your achievements and shake off imposter feelings.

  • Lead with confidence and authenticity.

  • Handle pressure without stress.

  • Quiet your inner critic and boost your self-esteem.

  • Build stronger, more genuine connections with your team.

"Don’t let your fears take the place of your dreams."

Walt Disney

One-on-One Confidential Call

Discovery Call - 45 minutes

We will have a conversation via Zoom, Skype, or phone about what you are looking for and I will introduce you to what I do. At this time, we can discuss what is keeping you up at night, your hopes aParagraphnd dreams, and you can give this “life coach thing” a try-out. We will decide how to work together for future appointments. All our conversations are completely confidential.

© 2024 Donna Oard